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You Don’t Want To Go To Law School.

You Want To
CRUSH Law School.

And you want to do it in less time and with more success than your classmates.

Well, now you can.

This is Legal Eagle.

- Maximum A’s, Minimal Effort.

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Law School Is Fundamentally Different Than Your Undergrad Experience

When you were an undergrad, you could cram the night before a test and you might do OK. 

But guess what?

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Typing up detailed notes and hitting the books like a fanatic won’t work like it did in college.

Law school is a completely different beast. Not only is your entire grade based on one end-of-the-semester exam, but the exams are unlike anything you’ve ever seen in your academic career.

From middle school through college, “knowing the answer” was enough for an A.

Not anymore.

The old test-taking tactics you developed in middle schools, high school, and college don’t help in law school.

This is why understanding the framework of law school is so important to doing well.

If you can master the framework, you’ll know exactly what to look for in your case studies, and you won’t need to take pages of super-detailed notes that are impossible to recall during exams. You’ll start smashing every exam and soaring past your peers on the way to the top of your class.

In law school your final exam essays are worth 100% of your grade.

Class participation? 0%.  

Quizzes?  Don’t exist.

Book reports?  Not a chance.


Almost all first year classes (and most 2L and 3L classes) use Issue Spotting Exams (aka Hypothetical or Hypo Exams).


Law school issue spotting exams fundamentally different from college tests and term papers.  They are not information dumps – memorizing facts won’t help. 

If your college exams asked you to “explain the history of the automobile,” your law school exams are going to ask you to take an unsorted box of parts, use those parts to build a car, and then race that car against every single other student in the class.

Law school exams are all about “thinking like a lawyer” and applying the law. 

But the irony is that you are expected to think like a lawyer before you’re a lawyer. 

Almost everyone focuses on learning the law – and that’s definitely necessary.  But they fail to focus on the thing that really matters: writing a law school essay.

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But Here Is The Secret:

Writing a prize winning, top-of-the class, A+ essay is a skill.  And like any skill it can be practiced and learned.

Because almost all professors use Issue Spotter exams, the same strategies apply.
Professors might not even know it themselves, but they all grade the same way.  


The same skills apply whether you’re taking a Contracts final or a Torts final, you can learn the skills of how to write a perfect Issue Spotting Exam before you have learned the substantive law.  In fact, it’s actually better to learn essay writing separately. 


The same strategies will show you how to spot all the issues and write a killer essay in every class. 

Think back to the LSAT.  At first the logic games seemed impossible. But once you know the strategies, it becomes infinitely easier. 


Writing a law school essay might seem like a dark art, but when you look at it piece by piece, you see a repeatable process that will work on any exam in any class. 

What you need is a guide that breaks down law school exams and takes you step by step through the writing process.

But when we looked around, we saw that everything available was terrible. 

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When You Want Something Done Right, You Have To Do It Yourself. 

So we built the best law school essay writing system on the planet.  We took the best parts from our own experience, Law School Confidential, Getting to Maybe, Law School Toolbox, Planet Law School (and about a dozen more) to form the single greatest law school tool ever devised. 

We teach you how to write every essay in every class in a way that is guaranteed to get you better grades in law school. 

You will never fear another law school exam.

We Change the Way You Look At Law School

The Legal Eagle Masterclass is rooted in the principle that every single piece of information you study needs to be relevant and valuable to your final exam—if it’s not, it’s not worth studying.

Our masterclass will teach you what to look for so you’re not squandering your precious time with worthless facts and figures—you’ll be studying less, learning more, and getting better grades than your classmates.

The hidden benefit is that once you know what a final exam looks like and what a good essay requires, it changes the way you read cases, outline, and study.  That’s because you’ll know what can be relevant to an essay and what can’t. 

It cuts out all the busy work. 

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The Amount Of Time You Will Save Is Staggering.

We started with crushing final exams and worked backwards from there.
We built an entire system that deconstructs law school including: 


Learn Time Management tools that will save you hours


Create the perfect Outline for studying


Gain laser focused study habits


Cut out all the busy work from class preparation

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Legal Eagle Is The Secret Weapon To Working Smarter And Getting A’s In Law School. 

It’s Complete Enlightenment: These are practical, on-the-ground tactics for all aspects of law school—homework, classwork, outlines, studying, and—most importantly—EXAMS.

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Get The



Better 1L Grades Guaranteed.

Whether you are preparing for your first final, mid-way through the semester, or preparing to start law school, the CRUSH LAW SCHOOL MASTER CLASS is the guide you're looking for.





Every Question You Never Thought to Ask

Law school is like nothing else. No one prepares you for it. We took every question we've ever received from students and answered them all.


Get the Answers From An Expert Who Did It

Not many can talk to a lawyer about all their questions.  Now you can.


Get Ahead of Your Classmates

Proper preparation is critical for success in law school.  Don't waste time because you don't know what law school is like.





Everything in the
plus the additional courses:


Eagle Eye Essay Writing System

Want to ace the hated "issue spotting" exam? This is the system that works for every test and every subject.  Three hours  of instruction guaranteed to crush your finals.


Hack the Regular Semester

This is the #1 thing you need for getting A's on your exams, we'll show you how to distill case briefs into just 3 lines of exam-acing information. 


Studying for Maximum Retention and Minimal Effort

Learn how to focus on only the most useful material in order to cut study time in half. 

And much more.





The entire Master Class plus bi-weekly Virtual Office Hours & access the Legal Eagle Private Forum


Virtual Office Hours

STARTING IN THE SUMMER participate in bi-weekly office hours (video conference with Devin and other students).  1-on-1 interaction.  Instant coaching.  Get the support you need immediately.  Compare to law school coaching at $200 per hour.  This is the best value in law school instruction!


Private Forum

Get access to our private facebook group where you can ask any questions you like on any topic at any time.  

The only place you can get 1:1 time with the Legal Eagle instructors. 

Exclusive content including videos and articles that are only posted to the private group.

Discuss law school with other like-minded lawschoolers.

And even more!



The Best Investment
You'll Ever Make In Your Legal Career 


Get the

Crush Law School Master Class

With the end game in mind (getting A's on your final exam) we engineered a better way to approach every aspect of law school. 

With the Crush Law School Master Class You'll get Instant Access to more than six hours of video in six online modules, with an easy-to-follow flow for mastering law school, start to finish.

You'll get ahead of your class because you'll have knowledge and the framework for success

You'll study less and retain more because you'll have laser-focus and key information recall for exams

You'll dominate your finals because you'll know exactly what professors are looking for.



Get the

Crush Law School Master Class Pro

With the Master Class PRO you'll get everything that comes with the Crush Law School Master Class AND exclusive access to Legal Eagle Virtual Office Hours and the Legal Eagle private Facebook group. 

That means you'll get 1:1 with us.

You can ask us any question you want.

You'll get exclusive access to videos and articles that aren't available anywhere else.  This is where you'll find them. 

But don't tell your friends.  Because the fewer the people that sign up for the private group, the more one-on-one attention you'll get!



Money Back Guarantee

Ready for the fun part?  The Legal Eagle Masterclass is backed-up with a 60-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE!

If the Legal Eagle Masterclass doesn't help you start saving time and acing your exams within 60 days, you get your money back, no questions asked.

What People Are Saying

"I struggled my first semester of law school. Despite countless hours of studying I received disappointing results my first semester. Something had to change.  I knew I was working hard, but it dawned on me that I was not working "smart." The principles of Legal Eagle taught me how to work "smart." I went from scrapping by with only B's and B-'s to getting As including the top grade in one class. The principles of Legal Eagle were critical in this breakthrough.  You can have all the black letter law in the world in your legal "toolbox" come exam day, but if you cannot use those tools effectively then you will be behind the curve. Legal Eagle teaches you how to use those tools with maximum efficiency.  I not only saw an improvement in my grades but my study-life balance as well. That's a win-win."

Adam F.

USC Gould School of Law

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A Success-Filled Future

Has NEVER Been This Accessible

This is about more than amazing grades. This is about an amazing future.

Your grades have always been the key to the next step.

High school grades to get into the best college possible.

College grades to get into the best law school possible.

Law school grades to get the best internship or clerkship possible.

The best internship or clerkship to secure the job offer of your dreams.

It All Starts With GREAT Grades.

So, if you're ready to get ahead of the curve (literally) and start flying towards the high-earning legal career you've always wanted, then you're ready Legal Eagle.

Your law school experience is about to get awesome.

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